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Here you will find our quarterly news letter, links to our Social Media and important updates.

You’ll also find our activities calendar for Sheffield and further information about upcoming events.


We’re delighted to have received the following Home Care review in July 2024:


“My parents have been receiving care in their own home from Twelve Trees for the past year.

My mother has mobility issues and my dad has low level memory loss. My dad began to experience issues with sores and swelling on his legs. This was quickly identified by staff and with photographs was escalated immediately to the GP resulting in rapid intervention from the district nurse team. Recently my mother’s mental state rapidly deteriorated and I was able to work with the manager to monitor this resulting in them quickly getting her admitted to hospital. They have been in contact with me on a daily basis to ensure my dad is given support at home while keeping in touch with the hospital and myself about my mother.

They have offered a support service so my father can visit her and various options for my mother if she becomes fit to return home. Very caring, approachable and professional.”

Vicky S – July 2024


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Care Home, Sheffield

0114 349 7837

Care Home, Leeds

0114 349 7837

Home Care, Yorkshire

0114 349 7837

Live-in Care

0114 349 7837

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    Established in 1996, Twelve Trees has become a familiar face within the community and has become one of the leading care providers for the elderly in Sheffield, Leeds, and York. As a privately owned independent care service, we are proud to have been providing care for the elderly for over 25 years. Whether you are looking for a care home in Sheffield or Leeds, Home Care, Day Care, 24 hour Live-in Care or specialist care in Sheffield, Leeds, York and the surrounding area, we hope our website will help you make the right decision for you or your loved ones.

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